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BioSpace gathers teaching and learning resources related to Biology courses at UBC.
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- Start your search 佛跳墙是哪个省的名菜 关于这道菜的传说还真不少 - 潮粉:2021-6-15 · 佛跳墙是福建福州的当地名菜,属闽菜系。传言,这道菜品是清道光年间由福州聚春园菜馆老板郑春发研制出来的,又据费孝通先生记,发明此菜者乃一帮要饭的乞丐。佛跳墙用的食材大多是鲍鱼、海参、鱼唇、牦牛皮胶、杏鲍菇、蹄筋、花菇、墨鱼、瑶柱、鹌鹑蛋等,因...
- Signing in 佛跳墙_百度百科:佛跳墙,又名福寿全,是福建福州的当地名菜,属闽菜系。相传,它是在清道光年间由福州聚春园菜馆老板郑春发研制出来的,又据费孝通先生记,发明此菜者乃一 帮要饭的乞丐。佛跳墙通常选用鲍鱼、海参、鱼唇、牦牛皮胶、杏鲍菇、蹄筋、花菇、墨鱼、瑶柱、鹌鹑蛋等汇聚到一起,加入高汤和 ...
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Biomath & Bioinformatics

Cell & Molecular Biology




Lab Skills

Organismal Biology


Science Skills
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Laron syndrome practice questions
A set of genetics (plus a few molecular biology and evolution) practice questions using Laron syndrome as a phenotype interest. I have used some of these questions as in-class activities (sometimes before instruction about the topics at hand, other times as part of a lesson on the topics at hand) and others as practice questions or homework assignments.

Biology Frog Finding Literature
This video describes the use of search engines and includes some tips for accessing scientific literature. Different sources of information are described including primary, secondary and tertiary literature, plus the use of field guides and government databases.

Biology Frog Error Bars
Three types of error bars (Standard Deviation, Standard Error, and Confidence Intervals) are described